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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Ann Corby Eaton Socon Jany 2d 9 months H W Beauford
Susan Clarke Eaton Socon Jany 5th 18 H W Beauford
Isabel Hawkins Stapelow in Eaton Socon Jany 6th 51 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Susan Garton Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon Jany 8 7 months H W Beauford Vicar
Thomas Stacey Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon Jany 12th 76 H W Beauford
James Millard Stapelow in Eaton Socon Jany 15th 73 H W Beauford
Joseph Drighton Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon Jany 16th 5 H W Beauford
Susannah Barnes Eaton Socon Jany 17th 57 H W Beauford
George Cross Eaton Socon Jany 24th 17 H W Beauford
William Baldock Eaton Socon Jany 26th 19 H W Beauford
William Landy Eaton Socon Feby 2d 87 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Grace Briley Eaton Socon Feby 3d 89 H W Beauford Vicar
John Adders Eaton Socon Feby 4th 87 H W Beauford
Jane Emery Shoreditch London Feby 9th 25 H W Beauford
Sarah Barack Stapelow in Eaton Socon Feby 18th 13 H W Beauford
John Ayers Eaton Socon Feby 21st 78 H W Beauford
Henry Dennis Eaton Socon March 25th 85 H W Beauford
Sarah Fowler Eaton Socon March 27th 82 H W Beauford
Richard Newcome Eaton Socon April 5th 40 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
William Shelton Eaton Socon April 11th 56 H W Beauford Vicar
Eliza Newman Eaton Socon April 11th 1 H W Beauford
Emma Acre Eaton Socon a Traveller's child April 17th 7 weeks H W Beauford
Edward Dean Stapelow in Eaton Socon April 24th 19 H W Beauford
Elizabeth Robinson Eaton Socon May 8th 8 months H W Beauford
George Loyley Eaton Socon May 11th 18 H W Beauford
Thomas Thorns Eaton Socon May 18th 49 H W Beauford
Thomas Brown Eaton Socon May 22d 3 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Catherine Bogeat Duloe in Eaton Socon May 22 9 months H W Beauford
Mary Ellet Eaton Socon June 18th 44 H W Beauford
William Howel Eaton Socon June 21st 32 H W Beauford
Charlotte Loyley Eaton Socon June 24th 3 weeks H W Beauford
Thomas Gilliam Eaton Socon July 14th 16 H W Beauford
Peter Willans St Neots Huntingdon July 25th 83 H W Beauford
Frances Hewitt Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon August 7th 4 H W Gery Junr Curate
John Jarvis Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon August 16th 8 weeks H W Gery Junr Curate

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Elizabeth Endersby Eaton Socon August 17th 72 H W Gery Junr
James Bundy Eaton Socon August 18th 8 months H Wade Gery Junr
George Barker Lee Eaton Socon August 19th 8 months H Wade Gery Junr
Mary Parker Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon August 19th 9 weeks H Wade Gery
Ann Barnes Stapelow in Eaton Socon August 24th 18 months H Wade Gery
Jacob Stocker Stapelow in Eaton Socon August 29th 9 months H Wade Gery Junr
Charlotte Armstrong Eaton Socon Septr 4th 26 H Wade Gery Junr
Thomas Jarvis Bushmead in Eaton Socon Septr 16th 67 H Wade Gery Junr

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Mary Groce Little End in Eaton Socon 22 Septr 3 years Hyl Wade Gery Junr
George Stratton Wyboston in Eaton Socon 23 Octr 78 years Hyl Wade Gery Junr
Mary Jordan Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon 24th Octr 38 years H Wade Gery Junr
Mary Smith Eaton Socon 25th Octr 61 years H Wade Gery Junr
Mark Moon Eaton Socon Octr 28th 51 years H Wade Gery Junr
Mary Shepard Eaton Socon Octr 28th 60 years H Wade Gery Junr
Mary Groce Little End in Eaton Socon 8th of November Years 40 R W Wade Gery Offc Minister
George Cooke Eaton Socon 21 Novr 18 months H Wade Gery Junr Curate

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Elizabeth Fairy Eaton Socon Novr 30th 75 H Wade Gery Junr
William Hawkins Dulow Decr 4th 20 years H Wade Gery Junr
Elizabeth Dennis Eaton Socon Decr 9th 75 H Wade Gery Junr
Elizabeth Lambert Eaton Socon Decr 14th 1 year H Wade Gery Junr